Cook Smarts

Guide to Frozen Food Storage

Cook Smarts Frozen Food Storage eBook

Maximize the magic of your freezer & reduce food waste

Do you know that you have a magic machine that can pause food in your kitchen? Yes, your freezer can do amazing things but most people have no idea how to maximize it for its fullest potential. When you know how to take advantage of your freezer, you can reduce food waste, take advantage of sales or bulk items, and have a much larger inventory of ingredients at your fingertips (with just easy defrosting).

Our guide will teach you how to:

  • Prepare ingredients and meals for proper freezing and avoid freezer burn
  • Have a system for keeping a simple inventory of what is in your freezer
  • Thaw ingredients to maintain maximum freshness

The best part of this eBook? It contains a chart with over 50 ingredients and information for how long they’ll keep, how to freeze them, and how to use them once thawed.

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Cook Smarts Guide to Frozen Food Storage

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